Wonder Bitch

Love: Broken Men & Your Attempt to Save Them…

Dear Diary,

I know I have been gone for a minute but I was writing my first ever screen play. Yes, you read it right; I am writing and directing a movie in Brooklyn. Yep!

Anywho, I am back and today I would like to talk about broken men. Now what is a broken man? Well that’s a good question. A broken man is man who is emotionally unable to love and/or accept love into his life. He is a man who should have received a SSI check when he was younger because he just don’t have it all upstairs. A broken man is a self-sabotager who make sure he messes things up with any woman who shows him love especially if he feels himself falling too.

You can’t blame a man for being broken. Most of the times, you have to blame their sociological factors such as their nature and their nurture. Many broken men become that way from what they had to go through in their environment but MOST of them learn their shitty ways from the people that they were around most which is their mother.

Many women fall in love with broken men hoping that they can save them and show them a little love but they are truly mistaken. You can’t undo 25 years of fuckery!!! Nothing can help this man but prayer. A broken man must know and respect the fact that he is emotionally broken and that he may need help to overcome what has happened in his past.

Have you ever dealt with a man and no matter what you tried to do, he never seemed to show you the same love and respect back. Well, you may have dealt with a broken man. See, these broken men want to love and want to show love but they just don’t know how. No one has shown them how to properly care and feel empathy for someone else; all they know how to do is be messed up and care for themselves. Well at least they think they care for themselves. A broken man is very miserable and insecure and does not have a clue on how they can change their lives; so why are you trying to be Wonder Bitch, thinking you can change his life?????

No matter how much you may love someone, sometimes shit just doesn’t work out. Love is not enough; you have to leave a dude to keep a dude. Staying in a bad situation with a broken man is not going to help the situation, it is going to hurt the situation…Leave him and let him realize on his own that he need to get his shit together.

Life is too short to be playing Psychiatrist to your man, boo, or whatever he is to you. Who has time for all of that? If you want to be in psycho therapy, go get your license and charge $400 an hour. Don’t be one for free! Shit, you try to help him and end up messing your own ass up (I have seen this happen plenty of times). There are many warm poles out here that is looking for a woman like you to love. Leave this dude to the wolves until he get some act right.

I know I sound harsh but hey, life is harsh and I too have dealt with some broken men in my life but I can gladly testify that my life is much better without all of their drama and negativity. I don’t have time for dudes who start arguments and create bullcrap illusions in their heads all because they can’t deal with the fact that they were falling for me or that stuff was going good. <————–That's that self-sabotager thing I discussed earlier.

We'll go more into this one day. Share your broken men stories with me! Also, please comment and share!